glokal e.V.
Lausitzerstr. 10 B
10999 Berlin
Tel: 030-39712136
Email: history(at)glokal(dot)org
Project website: Global Remembering
Illustrations: Franky Mindja – Graphic Design and Illustration, Yaoundé/Cameroon
email | CV (pdf)
Programming: Stin Priza – collective for technology, Athens/Greece
Privacy policy (in progress)
The texts on this website are – unless otherwise stated – under the following

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
The project is funded by Engagement Global with financial support from the BMZ, as well as from budgetary funds of the State of Berlin – Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, from Brot für die Welt and supported by Tahir Della, One World Promoter for diasporic perspectives in development education.